Agenda Item #1.18 Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89 1-Consolidated-Approval of Engineer’s Report and Intention to Levy
Item 1.18 Staff Report and Attachments

Agenda Item #2.1 Inland Valley Medical Center Expansion Project (PA 20-0116)

Item 2.1 20-0116 - IVMC Staff Report

     Attachment A - CC Resolution for EIR

        Attachment A - Exhibit 1 IVMC Draft EIR

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 2-1 NOP and NOP Comments

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 2-2 Distribution List

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.2-1 Air Quality Analysis

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.3-1a MSHCP-Bio Study

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.3-1b Off-Site Parking Bio Study

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.3-2 Burrowing Owl Survey

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.5-1 Geotechnical Report

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.5-2 Recs for Earthwork

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.5-3 Paleo Report

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.6-1 Greenhouse Gas Analysis

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.7-1 Phase I ESA

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.8-1 Preliminary WQMP

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.8-2 Preliminary Hydrology Report

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.10-1 Noise Analysis

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.12-1 Transportation Impact Analysis

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.14-1 Sewer Capacity Study

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 5.14-2 Domestic Water Technical Study

        Attachment A - Exhibit 2 Appendix 8-1 Cultural Resources Survey

        Attachment A - Exhibit 3 - 5 - Final EIR – Findings – SOC - MMRP

     Attachment B - CC Ordinance for Change of Zone 20-0116

     Attachment C - CC Ordinance for ZOA 2022-04

     Attachment D - CC Resolution for CUP-Plot Plan 20-0116

     Attachment E - IVMC Development-Architectural Plans Packet

     Attachment F - IVMC Precise Grading Plans Packet

     Attachment G - IVMC Landscape Plans - Exhibits Packet