Item 2.1 Wildomar Crossings Retail Center Documents

16-0134 - Wildomar Crossings CC Report
Attach A - IS-MND CC Resolution
Attach A-Ex1 - Wildomar Crossings IS-MND Document
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 1.0 - Parcel Map No 37311
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 2.0 - Plot Plan Package
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 3.0 - Air Quality Study
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 4.0A - Biological Resources Study
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 4.0B - DBESP Study
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 4.0C - Jurisdictional Delineation Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 5.0A - Cultural Resources Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 5.0B - Paleo Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 5.0C - AB 52 Tribal Letters
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 6.0A - Prelim Geo Tech Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 6.0B - Geo Tech Report 2
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 7.0 - Greenhouse Gas Analysis Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 8.0 - Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 9.0A - Preliminary Drainage Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 9.0B - Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 10.0 - Noise Impact Analysis Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 11.0 - Traffic Impact Analysis Report
Attach A-Ex2 - Appendix 12.0 - EVMWD Will Serve Letter
Attach A-Ex3 - Final MND-RTC Document
Attach A-Ex4 - MMRP Document
Attach B - Zone Change CC Resolution
Attach C - Parcel Map 37311 CC Resolution
Attach D - Plot Plan CC Resolution
Attach E - TPM 37311 Exhibit
Attach F - Plot Plan - Grading Plan Exhibits
Attach G - Landscape Plan Exhibits
Attach H - Architectural Elevations-Signs Exhibits
Attach I - Neighborhood Meeting Sign In Sheet
Attach J - North Ranch - Various Resident Comment Letters
Attach K - North Ranch Homeowners Petition
Attach L - Tom Boussiacos Comment Letter
Attach M - Wittwer-Parkin LLP - MND Comment Letter#2
Attach N - Applicant Response Letter to Wittwer-Parkin LLP
Attach O - Applicant Response Letter to Tom Boussiacos
Attach P - Staffs Power Point Presentation