Hello, Wildomar!
In this month’s Newsletter, you will see a video from me regarding Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District’s (EVMWD’s) “Septic to Sewer” program for the Sedco Hills area of Wildomar.
This program is available for residents of Sedco Hills who are on septic and is provided through a grant from the State of California to EVMWD – we encourage you to do your research and make an informed decision about whether you want to change over to sewer. This program will probably not be offered again and may go away if the water district does not get enough people registered. This is a great opportunity that is at NO COST to you!
If you need more information about Wildomar, please reach out to me, our City Council or Kimberly Davidson our Economic Development Director & Public Information Officer ( [email protected]).
Joseph Morabito
Mayor, City of Wildomar
(951) 677-7751
[email protected]