City of Wildomar


City of Wildomar Newsletter - March 2023
Published on Mar 28, 2023 16:30


Wildomar's Monthly Newsletter                           March 28, 2023
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Hello, Wildomar!

In this month’s Newsletter, you will see a video from me regarding Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District’s (EVMWD’s) “Septic to Sewer” program for the Sedco Hills area of Wildomar.
This program is available for residents of Sedco Hills who are on septic and is provided through a grant from the State of California to EVMWD – we encourage you to do your research and make an informed decision about whether you want to change over to sewer. This program will probably not be offered again and may go away if the water district does not get enough people registered. This is a great opportunity that is at NO COST to you!

If you need more information about Wildomar, please reach out to me, our City Council or Kimberly Davidson our Economic Development Director & Public Information Officer ([email protected]).


Joseph Morabito 
Mayor, City of Wildomar
(951) 677-7751
[email protected]
"Mayor's Minute" with Mayor Joseph Morabito:
EVMWD's Septic to Sewer Program
The City of Wildomar is updating its General Plan
and we need YOU to help guide it!

The City of Wildomar is initiating Envision Wildomar 2040, a comprehensive update of the City’s General Plan for the first time since incorporation. The General Plan defines the community vision for what our City will look like in 2040 and will be a reflection of community values and aspirations.

Get involved at

General Plan Fact Sheet:
Repairing pot holes is important to maintaining safe roads in Wildomar. Our crews are at work every week to make repairs.

See a pot hole? Report it through our portal here

Council Meetings

Our next Council Meeting is on April 12, 2023 at 6:00 pm.
Weed Abatement is important for maintaining safety for our residents and provides for a clean look for our beautiful city.

See an issue around town? Report it through our portal here

What is Measure AA?

It is an additional one cent sales tax Collected in Wildomar and Spent in Wildomar on Additional Police, Fire, Homelessness and Road Improvement Services. More info here...

The Wildomar Beautification Program officially began in September 2020. With your help, we can work together to keep Wildomar beautiful! Please contact City Hall for more info!

What is Measure Z ?

It is a $28.00 Annual Tax the Wildomar Property Owners Pay for Parks Maintenance and Services. More info here...

Measure AA Meetings

Measure Z Meetings

City Council Meetings begin at 6:00 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Questions about events/info? [email protected]
Planning Commission Meetings
1st Wednesday @ 6:00 pm
Wildomar Council Chambers

Coffee with the City
3rd Wednesday @ 8:30 am
The Hive, Wildomar

City Council Meetings
2nd Wednesday @ 6:00 pm
Wildomar Council Chambers

Coffee with the Mayor
4th Wednesday @ 8:30 am
Varying Locations
Security Camera
Registration Program
If you have a residential or business security camera, the Riverside Sheriff's Office would like your help to prevent and solve crime. 
Security cameras can be a powerful tool in crime deterrence, your participation in this program will expand our investigative abilities and help identify potential witnesses or criminals.
Registering your cameras in this program does not give us free or unrestricted access to your cameras. Your video will allow our investigators to create a readily accessible list to aid them in locating crucial evidence to help them solve crimes.
When a crime is committed, we will refer to the Security Camera Registration list to identify any possible cameras that may have captured something of interest.  We will then contact the camera’s owner and request they provide security video from the date and time of the crime.  This process greatly expedites and enhances the investigation and may lead to the quick apprehension of the criminal.
Participation in the program does not alter your rights to privacy in any way and is completely voluntary. We will not have access to your footage unless you provide it. Registrant information is kept confidential and the registrant can withdraw at any time.
Our mailing address is:
Wildomar City Hall
23873 Clinton Keith Rd., #110 Wildomar, CA 92595

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