City of Wildomar


NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY FOR PUBLIC REVIEW Beyond Gas Station and Industrial Warehouse Project
Published on Feb 14, 2023 16:50


An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) has been prepared by the City of Wildomar for the proposed Beyond Gas Station and Industrial Warehouse Project (PA No. 22-0006 / 22-0030). The IS/MND and technical appendices will be available for public review/comment beginning on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. All files can be downloaded from the City of Wildomar Environmental Documents Center webpage at the following web address:

The applicant is proposing to develop a 7,460-square-foot convenience store/gas station with eight pumps under a 5,971-square-foot canopy, a 1,790-square-foot drive-thru car wash facility, two drive-thru restaurant’s totaling 3,800 square feet, and a two-story 17,312-square-foot industrial warehouse building on 4.35 acres located in the M-SC (Manufacturing-Service Commercial) zone on the southwest intersection of Clinton Keith Road and Jana Lane (Assessor’s Parcel Number 380-290-002). The proposed project includes the following applications for consideration by the Wildomar Planning Commission:

CEQA/Mitigated Negative Declaration: In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15070, the proposed project will require the preparation of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP).

Conditional Use Permit (CUP): The proposed project requires a CUP to sell beer and wine for off-site consumption in accordance with Section 17.248 of the Wildomar Municipal Code.

Plot Plan (PP): The proposed project will require approval of a Plot Plan to develop the proposed project in accordance with Section 17.216 of the Wildomar Municipal Code, site planning, architecture, landscaping, parking, etc. and on- and off-site improvements consistent with the City’s Commercial Objective Design Standards and Guidelines.

The IS/MND identifies impacts that require mitigation in the following topic areas: Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Noise, Transportation, Tribal Cultural Resources, and Wildfire. Significant and unavoidable impacts and cumulatively considerable impacts have not been identified in any of the environmental issue areas. The project is not located on any hazardous materials sites enumerated under Section 65962.5 of the California Government Code.

In accordance with Sections 15072(a) and (b) of the CEQA Guidelines, this public notice is posted to officially notify the public, public agencies, and responsible and trustee agencies that the required 30-day public review/comment period will commence on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, and conclude on Thursday, March 16, 2023. Any written comments (via email or letter) on the IS/MND must be submitted no later than 5p.m. on March 16, 2023. Written comments may be mailed to Matthew C. Bassi, Planning Director, City of Wildomar Planning Department, 23873 Clinton Keith Road, Suite 201, Wildomar, CA 92595. Email comments can be sent to [email protected]. The Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to review the IS/MND and proposed development project at their regular meeting of May 3, 2023. 
Posted: February 15, 2023

NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY FOR PUBLIC REVIEW  Beyond Gas Station and Industrial Warehouse Project