City of Wildomar


Wildomar Meadows Specific Plan Project (PA 21-0025) NOP
Published on Aug 31, 2022 09:26


A Notice of Preparation (NOP) has been prepared by the City of Wildomar for the Wildomar Meadows Specific Plan Project (21-0025) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (proposed project). The NOP is available for public review and can be downloaded from the City of Wildomar website at The purpose of this NOP is to fulfill legal notification requirements, and to inform the public and Responsible and Trustee Agencies that an EIR is being prepared for the proposed Wildomar Meadows Specific Plan Project (PA 21-0025). This NOP solicits agency and interested party concerns regarding the potential environmental effects of implementing the proposed Project and EIR.

Proposed Project:

The 792-acre site is located adjacent to the easterly edge of The Farm Community and south of Bundy Canyon Road at the terminus of Sunset Avenue. The Specific Plan Amendment represents Amendment #5 to the Farm Specific Plan No. 116 to develop the project site with up to 1,504 single-family homes on approximately 356.8 acres, 10 acres of commercial retail, 33.2 acres of community parks, a 5.2-acre private recreation center, 149.5 acres of open space, 198.1 acres of open space conservation habitat, 20 acres of detention and water quality basins, and 17 acres of roadways. The proposed project would modify the land uses, residential densities, and configuration of Phases 11-16 in the southeastern portion of the approved Specific Plan Area. The proposed project would increase the total acreage from 1,509 acres to 1,589 acres, by adding 80 acres to the Specific Plan (SP No. 116) boundary along the western edge of Phase 13. The City of Wildomar city limits form the northern and eastern boundaries of the Wildomar Meadows site (project site). The proposed project would also realign Cottonwood Canyon Road.

Ø  Environmental Impact Report (EIR) – In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15081, the City has determined that the proposed project will require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

Ø  General Plan Amendment (GPA 2023-02) – Approval of a General Plan Amendment as follows: 1) remove the existing Estate Density Residential (EDR-RC), Very Low Density Residential (VLDR) and Low Density Residential (LDR) land use designations within the Wildomar Meadows specific plan project area;  2) add the Medium High Density Residential (MHDR), High Density Residential (HDR), Commercial Retail (CR), Open Space Conservation Habitat (OS-CH), Open Space Recreation (OS-R), and Open Space Water and Public Facility (OS-W); land use designations to the Wildomar Meadows specific plan project area;  3) reorganize the location and acreages for the existing Medium Density Residential (MDR) land use designation in the Wildomar Meadows specific plan project area; 4) incorporate an 80-acre parcel (APN: 362-130-002) into the boundaries of the Wildomar Meadows specific plan project area; and  5) change the existing land use designations within the new 80-acre parcel (APN: 362-130-002) from Medium Density Residential (MDR) and Rural-Mountainous (RM) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) and Open Space Conservation Habitat (OS-CH) as illustrated in the proposed land use plan (Exhibit 1). 

Ø  Change of Zone (CZ) No. 21-0025 – Approval of a zone change as follows: 1) to remove the existing R-T (Mobile Subdivision/Mobilehome Park) and R-5 (Open Area Combine Zone, Residential Development) zoning designations within the Wildomar Meadows specific plan project area; and 2) establish the Specific Plan (SP) zoning designation for the entire Wildomar Meadows specific plan project area to accommodate ethe proposed development.

Ø  Specific Plan Amendment No. 21-0025 (SP 116, Amendment #5) – Approval of an amendment to the Farm Specific Plan No. 116 to establish the 792.2-acre Wildomar Meadows Specific Plan project that includes the following: 1) adding an 80-acre site (APN: 362-130-002) into the specific plan project area; and 2) establish project specific land uses, site development standards and design guidelines (including architectural and landscape design guidelines) to accommodate the future development of 1,504 single-family units, including commercial/retail development opportunities and a variety of public and private  parks/recreational amenities and open space/trails/conservation opportunities. 

Ø  Tentative Tract Map and Tentative Parcel Map – The project will require approval of a Master Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the 792.2-acre project site into 25 large parcels to accommodate future subdivision into smaller lots via the Tentative Tract Map process for ultimate build-out of the Wildomar Meadows Specific Plan project.

Ø  Development Agreement – A Development Agreement may be proposed in accordance with State Law with development provisions to be negotiated during the specific plan process.

This transmittal constitutes the official Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the EIR and serves as a request for environmental information that you or your organization believe should be included or addressed in the proposed EIR document. Please be sure to address the scope and content of environmental information or issues that may relate to your agency’s statutory responsibilities in connection to the proposed project.

Purpose of the Notice of Preparation (NOP):

The purpose of this NOP is to fulfill legal notification requirements and inform the public and CEQA Responsible and Trustee Agencies that an EIR is being prepared for the proposed project by the City. This NOP solicits agency and interested party comments regarding the potential environmental effects of implementing the proposed project.  Responses to this NOP that specifically focus on environmental issues are of particular interest to the City.  All written responses to this NOP will be included in the appendices to the EIR. The content of the responses will help guide the focus and scope of the EIR in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines.

NOP Public Comment Period:

This NOP is being circulated for a 30-day public review/comment period beginning on August 31, 2022 and concluding on September 29, 2022. Comments on this NOP should be submitted to the City of Wildomar, Planning Department at the earliest possible date, but no later than the September 29, 2022, deadline. Comments must be submitted in writing, or via email, to:

Mr. Matthew Bassi, Planning Director

City of Wildomar, Planning Department

23873 Clinton Keith Road, Suite 201, Wildomar, CA 92595

(951) 677-7751, Ext. 213 - [email protected]

Public Scoping Meeting:

A public scoping meeting will be conducted to provide the public with the opportunity to learn more about the proposed project and to provide an opportunity for a full discussion of the environmental issues that are important to the community. The scoping meeting will include a presentation of the proposed project and a summary of the environmental issues to be analyzed in the EIR. Following the presentation, interested agencies, organizations, and members of the public will be encouraged to present views concerning the environmental issues that should be included in the EIR. The oral and written comments provided during the meeting will assist the City in scoping the potential environmental effects of the project to be addressed by the EIR. The scoping meeting will be held as a virtual webinar (via Zoom) on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM.  The Zoom webinar link information is noted below:                 Posted: August 30, 2022

Wildomar Meadows Specific Plan Project (PA 21-0025) NOP