We need your help for Wildomar’s vision!
Published on Jun 28, 2022 10:25
The City of Wildomar is updating its General Plan. We need you to
help guide it.
City of Wildomar is initiating Envision Wildomar 2040, a comprehensive
update of the City’s General Plan for the first time since incorporation. The
General Plan defines the community vision for what our City will look like in
2040 and will be a reflection of community values and aspirations.
Get involved at envisionwildomar2040.com
the project website to learn more about the Envision Wildomar 2040 project and
how you can be involved and provide input. Be sure to sign-up to receive email
updates about project news and opportunities to participate.
The Let’s Envision Wildomar!
Online Survey is live!
do you envision Wildomar in the next 20 years? We’d like your assistance in
developing the General Plan vision statement, which helps establish future
planning priorities and shared community values. Take the survey and let’s
envision Wildomar together!
Plan Fact Sheet