Inland Valley Medical Center DEIR Released
Published on Feb 16, 2022 16:26
A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) has
been prepared by the City of Wildomar for the Inland Valley Medical Center
Project. The DEIR and technical appendices will be available for public
review/comment beginning on Thursday, February 17, 2022. All
files can be downloaded and reviewed from the City of Wildomar environmental
documents center webpage at
Proposed Project: The proposed project
would require the demolition of the buildings on the project site to allow for
the development of a 7-story, 232,000-square-foot tower and new surface parking
lots. The new addition to the hospital would include expansion of all services
and critical ancillary support for 100 new patient beds, bringing the total
number of beds to 202. The following project actions are requested of the City
by the applicant and reviewed in this EIR:
- Change of Zone – Approval of a zone change to establish the “Medical
Center (MC-Zone)” designation to the entire project site.
- Zoning Ordinance Amendment – Approval of a zoning ordinance amendment to
establish specific design and development standards (building height,
setbacks, parking, etc.) for the IVMC property unique to the proposed
project whereby a new code section “Section 17.86 Medical Center (M-C Zone)”
would be created.
- Conditional Use Permit – A conditional use permit to relocate the helipad to
accommodate the proposed construction as part of future expansion on the
site and to temporarily allow approximately 450 spaces of offsite parking
during construction activities.
- Plot Plan – Approval of a single Plot Plan to redevelop the site
consistent with the proposed IVMC overlay development standards.
The Draft EIR identifies impacts that require
mitigation in the following topic areas: biological resources, geology and
soils, hazards and hazardous materials, tribal cultural resources, and
wildfire. Impacts to aesthetics would be significant and unavoidable. The
project site is not located on any hazardous materials sites enumerated under
Section 65962.5 of the California Government Code.
In accordance with
Sections 15072(a) and (b) of the CEQA Guidelines, this public notice is posted
to officially notify the public, public agencies, and responsible and trustee
agencies that the required 45-day public review/comment period will commence on
Thursday, February 17, 2022, and conclude on
Monday, April 4, 2022. Any written comments (via
email or letter) on the Draft EIR must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on
April 4, 2022. Written comments may be mailed to Matthew C. Bassi, Planning
Director, City of Wildomar Planning Department, 23873 Clinton Keith Road, Suite
201, Wildomar, CA 92595. Email comments can be sent to [email protected]. The Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to review
the Draft EIR and proposed development project at their May 18, 2022 meeting.