City of Wildomar


Published on Feb 15, 2022 16:41

An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) has been prepared by the City of Wildomar for the proposed Clinton Keith Marketplace Retail Project (PA No. 21-0033). The IS/MND and technical appendices will be available for public review/comment beginning on Wednesday, February 16, 2022. All files can be downloaded from the City of Wildomar Environmental Documents Center webpage at the following web address    

The project site is located at the northeast corner of Hidden Springs Road and Clinton Keith Road extending westward to Stables Lanes Road and encompasses Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 380-110-004, -009, -010, -014, and -016. The proposed project consists of a commercial retail center located on approximately 8,948 acres to build a 66,173-square-foot multi-tenant retail center. Access to the site would occur at two locations on Hidden Springs Road and two locations on Clinton Keith Road. The proposed project includes the following applications for consideration by the Wildomar Planning Commission:

·        CEQA/Mitigated Negative Declaration: The Planning Department will act as the Lead Agency and has determined that the project will require preparation and approval of an MND in accordance with Section 15070 of CEQA.

·        Vesting Tentative Parcel Map (TPM No. 37736): The Project requires a subdivision of approximately 8.94 acres into seven (7) parcels to accommodate the proposed Project. The Parcel Map is proposed as a “Vesting Parcel Map’ as permitted under Chapter 16.12.090 of the WMC and Subdivision Map Act.

·        Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 21-0033: The Project requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit under the current zoning of C-P-S (Scenic Highway Commercial) to establish a 1,273 square-foot self-serve car wash facility. Development of the car wash requires compliance with the city’s commercial design standards and guidelines.

·        Variance (VAR) No. 21-0033: The project requires a variance to construct two (2) 65-foot tall freeway signs that are 609 square feet per sign face on Clinton Keith and Hidden Springs (i.e., sign height and sign area) since the maximum height for a freeway identification sign is 45-feet and maximum sign area is 150 square feet per sign face.

·        Plot Plan (PP): The project will require approval of Plot Plan to develop the 8.8-acre site into 66,173 square-foot multi-tenant retail center with related on-site and off-site amenities and improvements consisting of the following:

o   a 22,000 square-foot grocery store (Major A);

o   an 18,000 square-foot building that includes a 13,000 square-foot pharmacy (1st floor) and a 5,000 square-foot office on the 2nd floor (Major B);

o   a 7,700 square-foot building with multi-retail building (Shops 1);

o   a 4,800 square-foot fast-food/drive through restaurant (Pad 1);

o   a 7,600 square-foot automotive retail store (Pad 2);

o   a 4,800 square-foot building for a future cannabis retail use (Pad 3); and

o   a 1,273 square-foot express car wash building.

The IS/MND identifies impacts that require mitigation in the following topic areas: Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, and Tribal Cultural Resources. Significant and unavoidable impacts and cumulatively considerable impacts have not been identified in any of the environmental issue areas. The project is not located on any hazardous materials sites enumerated under Section 65962.5 of the California Government Code.

In accordance with Sections 15072(a) and (b) of the CEQA Guidelines, this public notice is posted to officially notify the public, public agencies, and responsible and trustee agencies that the required 30-day public review/comment period will commence on Wednesday, February 16, 2022, and conclude on Thursday, March 17, 2022.  Any written comments (via email or letter) on the IS/MND must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on March 17, 2022. Written comments may be mailed to Matthew C. Bassi, Planning Director, City of Wildomar Planning Department, 23873 Clinton Keith Road, Suite 201, Wildomar, CA 92595. Email comments can be sent to [email protected].  The Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to review the IS/MND and proposed development project at their regular meeting of May 4, 2022.