Published on Dec 22, 2020 08:48
A Notice of Preparation (NOP) has been prepared
by the City of Wildomar for the Oak Springs Ranch Specific Plan Amendment (SPA)
Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR). The NOP is available for public review and can
be downloaded from the City of Wildomar website at The purpose of
this NOP is to fulfill legal notification requirements, and to inform the
public and Responsible and Trustee Agencies that a SEIR is being prepared for
the proposed Oak
Springs Ranch Specific Plan Amendment project (PA 20-0044). This NOP
solicits agency and interested party concerns regarding the potential
environmental effects of implementing the proposed Project.
Project: The proposed project amends
the Oak Springs Ranch Specific Plan (PA 08-0015) to develop a 288-unit
apartment project located on a 12.89-acre vacant lot located on the SWC of
Inland Valley Drive and Clinton Keith Road (south of the Oak Springs Ranch
Phase 1 apartment project). The project
will require the following applications for consideration by the Planning
Commission and City Council.:
General Plan Amendment
(GPA): In
accordance with Section 17.08.040 of the Wildomar Municipal Code, the proposed
project requires approval of a general plan amendment to change the existing
land use designation from Medium High Density Residential (MHDR, 5-8
units/acre) to Highest Density Residential (HHDR, 20+ units/acre) to
accommodate the 288-unit apartment community at a density of 22.3 units/acre on
for the 12.89-acre site located on the west side of Inland Valley Drive about
550 feet south of Clinton Keith Road (APN: 380-250-038).
Specific Plan Amendment
(SPA): In
accordance with Section 17.08.080 of the Wildomar Municipal Code, the proposed
project requires approval of a specific plan amendment to amend Section 3.2
(Planning Area 2) of the Oak Springs Ranch Specific Plan to replace the
detached single family residential development (TTM No. 31736) with the
proposed 288-unit apartment community with related on-site and off-site
improvements and amenities.
Plot Plan (PP): In accordance with Section
17.216 of the Wildomar Municipal Code, the proposed project requires would
requires approval of a plot plan to develop the proposed 288-unit apartment
community on the 12.68 acre parcel (APN: 380-250-038) with related on-site and
off-site improvements and amenities.
The City has determined that the following
environmental topic areas will be discussed in the SEIR as the proposed project
may lead to new or more significant environmental effects when compared to the
original project: Air Quality; Greenhouse Gases; Hydrology and Water Quality;
and Transportation. Using the certified
EIR as a base, the SEIR will revise only those portions of the environmental
analysis that would be affected by the proposed project. Mitigation measures
from the certified EIR will be applied to the proposed project as appropriate
and may be modified by the new analysis.
Purpose of the Notice of Preparation
The purpose of this NOP is to fulfill legal notification requirements and
inform the public and CEQA Responsible and Trustee Agencies that an EIR is
being prepared for the proposed project by the City. This NOP solicits agency and interested party
concerns regarding the potential environmental effects of implementing the
proposed mixed-use project. Responses to
this NOP that specifically focus on environmental issues are of particular
interest to the City. All written responses to this NOP will be included in the
appendices to the EIR. The content of the responses will help guide the focus
and scope of the EIR in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines.
Public Comment Period: - This NOP is being
circulated for a 30-day public review/comment period beginning on December
22, 2020 and conclude on January 20, 2021. Comments on this NOP should be submitted to
the City of Wildomar, Planning Department at the earliest possible date, but no
later than the October 16, 2020 deadline.
Comments must be submitted in writing, or via email, to: Mr. Matthew
Bassi, Planning Director; City of Wildomar, Planning Department; 23873 Clinton
Keith Road, Suite 201, Wildomar, CA 92595; (951) 677-7751, Ext. 213; [email protected].
Public Scoping Meeting: A public scoping meeting will be conducted to
provide the public with the opportunity to learn more about the proposed
project and to provide an opportunity for a full discussion of the
environmental issues that are important to the community. The scoping meeting will include a
presentation of the proposed project and a summary of the environmental issues
to be analyzed in the EIR. Following the presentation, interested agencies,
organizations, and members of the public will be encouraged to present views
concerning the environmental issues that should be included in the EIR. The oral and written comments provided during
the meeting will assist the City in scoping the potential environmental effects
of the project to be addressed by the EIR.
The scoping meeting will be held via Zoom teleconference Monday,
January 11, 2021 at 6:00 PM. The Zoom meeting link is provided below:
Please click this URL to join:
Passcode: 528437
Or join by phone:
US: +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 811 0012 3950
Passcode: 528437
Matthew C. Bassi
Planning Director