PRESS RESLEASE: City of Wildomar to Permit Some Activities at Parks
Published on Apr 24, 2020 16:56
Pursuant to Riverside
County’s orders on 4/20/2020 to cautiously reopen golf courses, parks, hiking
trails and related parking lots, the City of Wildomar has reopened our city
parks to limited recreational use as defined in the County’s orders. Social distancing,
face covering and no-congregating guidelines must be followed in order for
these venues to remain open. Playgrounds, playground equipment and public
restrooms will remain closed until further direction is given by the State
and/or County.
Activities that create
contact with individuals, fixed objects or shared items (such as picnic tables
and playgrounds), activities involving groups of children, adult or children
team sports, spectator sports, or other similar public or private events and
gatherings are prohibited.