City of Wildomar


Baxter Village Mixed-Use project NOP Plot Plan No. 14-0002-R1
Published on Apr 7, 2020 16:19


A Notice of Preparation (NOP) has been prepared by the City of Wildomar for the revised Baxter Village Mixed-Use project (Plot Plan No. 14-0002-R1) Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR). The NOP is available for public review and can be downloaded from the City of Wildomar website at  The purpose of this NOP is to fulfill legal notification requirements, and to inform the public and Responsible and Trustee Agencies that a SEIR is being prepared for the proposed Revised Baxter Mixed-Use project(Plot Plan No. 14-0002-R1).  This NOP solicits agency and interested party concerns regarding the potential environmental effects of implementing the proposed Project. 

Proposed Project: The proposed project would eliminate the approved 75,000 square-foot retail center in order to permit the construction of an 84,000 square-foot (3-story, 50-foot high) outpatient medical office building (MOB) on 7.2 acres, and the construction of a 102-room (5-story, 50-foot high) hotel building on 2.4 acres. The approved residential planning areas of the project will remain as originally approved. While a single proposal for processing by the City, the proposed project requires two (2) distinct development actions described as follows:

1)    Plot Plan – The proposal requires approval of a single Plot Plan for the entire project site with updated conditions of approval for the proposed medical office building (MOB) and hotel development (APN: 367-180-057).

2)    Parcel Map – The project will require approval of a Parcel Map to subdivide the commercial parcel into two parcels, one each for the hotel and MOB.

The City has determined that the following environmental topic areas will be discussed in the SEIR as the proposed project may lead to new or more significant environmental effects when compared to the original project: Air Quality; Greenhouse Gases; Hydrology and Water Quality; and Transportation.  Using the certified EIR as a base, the SEIR will revise only those portions of the environmental analysis that would be affected by the proposed project. Mitigation measures from the certified EIR will be applied to the proposed project as appropriate and may be modified by the new analysis. The CD to this NOP includes the DEIR, FEIR, Appendices, and approved Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) of the certified EIR, as well as the project applications, development plan package, and technical studies for the proposed project. Except as modified by the analysis in the SEIR, all of the measures in the existing MMRP will be included in the SEIR.

Based on the time limits defined by CEQA Guidelines, this Public Notice is posted to officially notify the public, public agencies, responsible and trustee agencies, that the required 30-day public review period will commence on Wednesday, April 8, 2020 and conclude on Thursday May 7, 2020.  Any written comments (via email or letter) on the NOP must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on May 7, 2020.

Written comments may be mailed to Matthew C. Bassi, Planning Director, City of Wildomar Planning Department, 23873 Clinton Keith Road, Suite 201, Wildomar, CA 92595.  Email comments can be sent to [email protected].


Matthew C. Bassi

Planning Director