City of Wildomar


Wildomar Shooting Range/Academy IS-MND (CUP 19-0093)
Published on Nov 4, 2019 15:45

Good Afternoon,
The City has released the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Wildomar Shooting Range/Academy IS-MND (CUP 19-0093). The 30-day public review period commences on November 05, 2019 and concludes on December 04, 2019.  Please click on the links below to access the IS/MND document.  All comments must be submitted by 5 PM on the December 04, 2019 deadline.

Please contact Matthew Bassi, Planning Director at (951) 677-7751, Ext. 213 for any questions. You can also email him at [email protected].  

CEQA Documents