City of Wildomar


Don't forget to submit your photos for the 2019 Wildomar Calendar Contest!
Published on Nov 20, 2018 11:53

Less than two weeks left to submit your photos for the 2019 City of Wildomar Calendar Photo Contest!


Submit your best shots between November 1, 2018 - November 30, 2018 to be judged for publishing in our 2019 calendar. Entering is free and easy!

ELIGIBILITY:  All residents and visitors of Wildomar are eligible to submit up to two photos. 12 photos will be chosen, with selection limited to one per person.

CRITERIA: The contest aims to celebrate "All Wildomar'', therefore, all photos entered must be taken within our city limits or directly adjacent hills and mountains. Photos taken of locations outside of Wildomar will be disqualified. For best quality, be sure to set your camera or smart phone setting to its highest resolution. Low resolution images will be disqualified. Submitted photos will be judged by a subcommittee comprised of the Mayor, City Manager and Community Services Staff. 

WHAT TO ENTER:  The following are some categories to consider for your photographs:  Wildomar's environment, skylines, open spaces, creeks, trails, parks, wildlife, architecture e, cityscapes, landmarks, infrastructure, community scenes of education, volunteering,street/nightlife, celebrations, arts & cultural events, active people and all other community aspects!

IMAGE REQUIREMENTS:  Eligible images must be shot in LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION and submitted in either JPG or PNG file format, preferably at a minimum file size of 3 MB (megabytes). Be sure to set your camera or phone settings at its highest resolution for best results, as images selected for print will be scaled to fit the size of one piece of paper.

RENAMING YOUR FILES: Files must be renamed as follows: 
First and Last name of contestant & short title of photograph.
For example: JanetMoralesWildomarSchoolBell.jpeg

**Please submit the image only - the city will add the photographer's photo credit to any image it uses using a standard format**


1. ATTACH PHOTO TO EMAIL (do not embed image files in the message area).

2. ATTACH "2019 Calendar Photo Contest Hold Harmless Form

3. ENTER THE FOLLOWING IN SUBJECT LINE: "2019 Calendar Photo Contest Entry"

4. IN THE MESSAGE AREA ENTER: First and Last Name of Contestant, Contact Phone Number, Email Address, Date and Location of where the photo was taken.

5. EMAIL TO: [email protected]

For assistance or for more information, please contact Janet Morales at [email protected] or 951-677-7751 x210.